Yeah, matches are USEFUL.
And not just for lighting candles. Place them in your attic to ward off ghosts! Chuck them in your bag and set fires on the go. Perfect for the unemployed! Guaranteed dolphin-safe by Ol’ Uncle Jimbo. WARNING: never perch matchboxes precariously on the edge of a baby’s crib.
Old School Matchbooks: The Lost Release
Includes all 16 matchbooks from our new matchbox release: Hated It Donuts, Room Temperature Shrimp, Kill-A-Dream Foundation, Wine Joint, Oh God It’s Another IPA, Septic Sammy’s Speakeasy, A Place for MeeMaw, Swamp Thing Toothpaste, Ted Bundy for County Treasurer, International Secret Family Society, The Institute of Self Loathing, National Embarrassment, It’s The Thought That Counts, Look Ma! No Hands, Uncle Podcast, and Boomer’s Café.
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