Create Your Own Soap Contest!
Hey hey hey! Who's going a little nuts staying at home? That's why we've decided to come up with something to help pass the time!
Use this link to download and print your coloring page to create your very own soap! Check out all of our soaps for color ideas! If you'd like to enter the contest, see below:
Download the above link to create your very own soap. You can color on your computer, or print out and color in with whatever medium floats your boat (dried macaroni, anyone?). Once completed, share your image on Instagram using the hashtag #mywhiskeyriversoap. We'll review all the entries and select one on April 30th, 2020. We'll share your winning soap creation, and ACTUALLY MAKE IT and send you the final product! (This contest is not affiliated with Instagram in any way. For the record, we do not accept submissions. This contest is simply for everyone's enjoyment during this (let's face it) shit show of a time. Please see our FAQ page for more info.)